DIALOGUE: The Project

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There is one particular aspect of adult education, which must be researched if the European Union wishes to fulfil its ambitions with regard to economic growth, competitiveness, social cohesion and LLL: The communication process between academic research and professional practice in the field of adult learning and continuing education. The consortium feels that this link is weak in many institutions for a variety of historical, cultural national and institutional reasons.  Both domains operate separately and more or less independently from each other. The current transfer processes in both directions are underdeveloped and therefore there is a big potential in this exchange for the enhancement and further development of effective learning in ULLL.

There is a need for a network that will seek to identify the kinds of research which are undertaken on adult education in European universities and how the research is used by different stakeholders including policy makers, practitioners and others in the field of adult education.


  1. Provide a European Space for Dialogue between academic researches, professional practitioners and policy makers
  2. To improve the transfer of educational research into the field of professional practice in ULLL through the thematic involvement of practitioners in research
  3. Improve policy and practice in the field of ULLL


  1. Develop the dialogue between research and practice around: 
    • Access and progression
    • Quality assurance and enhancement     
    • Learning and guidance
    • New media
  2. Review, develop and evaluate models of good practice in the transfer of research results to professional practice exploring ways of involving practitioners in research.
  3. Identify and explore barriers at national and institutional level to transfer the knowledge, but also existing opportunities
  4. Networking with partners inside and outside the university to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from and between ULLL and other partner organisations
  5. Development of final recommendations aiming at the promotion of a sustainable ULLL Dialogue